Nexial Automation

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aws.s3 » list(var,profile,remotePath)


This command lists all the files/folders matching the criteria specified in the remote path corresponding to AWS S3 bucket. For example, if the criteria(value of the parameter remote)  is like my_bucket/my_folder/abc* it lists all the files/folders from the target bucket’s sub-folder my_folder recursively. The ’*‘ acts like a wildcard specifying any or none i.e it matches any no. of characters in place of * or no character at all. So we get all the keys that starts with my_bucket/my_folder/abc like my_bucket/my_folder/abc/, my_bucket/my_folder/abc.txtmy_bucket/my_folder/abc/folder1, my_bucket/my_folder/abc/xyz/f.jpg, etc in the output.

Similarly, users can use the REGEX:<regex-pattern> to specify the list of files and folders from the S3 path. The remotePath need not be a regex or wildcard pattern. It can be a normal path like my_bucket/my_folder  where we get all the keys starting with my_bucket/my_folder.


  • var - the variable name to represent the outcome of this command.
  • profile - the profile added in the data file which contains AWS credentials and connectivity.
  • remotePath - the pattern which specifies the folder, file or a pattern of files.






See Also