Nexial Automation

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aws.s3 » moveFrom(var,profile,remote,local)


This command moves all the files matching the criteria specified for the target files from the target bucket/folder to the local directory. For example, if the criteria (remote) is like bucket/subdir/* and the local directory is like C:\projects\ProjectX, it moves all the files from bucket/subdir/* in S3 to the local directory C:\projects\ProjectX. The * acts like a wildcard specifying all or none i.e it matches any no. of characters in place of * or no character at all.

Similarly if the remote is given as bucket/subdir/data*, all the files starting with data are moved to the local directory. Another example is bucket/subdir/*-*, where all the files containing - are moved to the local directory.

However, this command should be applied only on folders having only files and no subfolders in it. Having subfolders inside the folder may give incorrect results.

Check here for more information regarding profile.


  • var - the variable name to represent the outcome of this command.
  • profile - the profile added in the data file which contains AWS credentials and connectivity.
  • remotePath - the pattern which specifies the folder, file or a pattern of files.
  • local - the directory to which the files should be copied.






See Also