Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


aws.sqs » sendMessage(profile,queue,message,var)


This command instructs Nexial to send a message to a SQS queue using the specified profile denotes as profile. The outcome of this action is stored in a data variable named as var.

A SQS message sent via Nexial is automatically added 4 additional message attributes:

  • nexial.sendTimestamp - the timestamp of when a message is sent from Nexial, in epoch format.
  • nexial.version - the current version of Nexial.
  • nexial.os.user - the username that executes the current Nexial execution (hence the user that send the message).
  • nexial.os.hostname - the hostname of the compute resource where Nexial is executed (or where the message is sent).

The outcome of this command is stored in var, with the following properties:

  • .id - the message id.
  • .sendTimestamp - the timestamp of when a message is sent from Nexial, in epoch format.


  • profile - the profile added in the data file which contains AWS SES credentials and connectivity.
  • queue - the target SQS queue name.
  • message - the message body to sent. AWS SQS allows only up to 256 KB of content per call.
  • var - the variable to store the outcome of this command.


See Also