Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


base » saveMatches(text,regex,saveVar)


This command saves the matched portion of text, based on regex, to a new variable denoted as saveVar. In another word, Nexial evaluates text against regex, and then saves the matched portion to another variable specified as saveVar.

If text is specified via the ${...} syntax, Nexial internally will handle the appropriate conversion if the target variable represents an array, a list, a map or a Java object.


  • **text - **the text (can be referenced via ${...} syntax) that will be evaluated.
  • regex - the regular expression use to evaluate against text.
  • saveVar - the variable name to which the matched portion of text will be saved. If no match is found, then nothing will be saved and saveVar will be removed.


Here’s an example how to use this command:

The output shows what’s being matched and stored:

See Also