Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


desktop » clickTableCell(row,column)


This command clicks on the specified column of the specified row of the current data grid component. The corresponding data grid component must first be recognized as “current” via the useTable(var,name) command.


  • In order to use this command make sure you have data on the specified row and column. In many instances, data grid cell without any data would likely NOT respond to any click.
  • row is 0-based.
  • column should match the header of the target data grid component.
  • The click will be performed on the middle (approximate) of the target cell.
  • If the specified row is currently not in displayed, the corresponding step will likely FAIL.


  • rowNum - This parameter is the row number of the table(data Grid)
  • column- - This is parameter is the column name of the table(data Grid)


See Also