Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


desktop » saveAllTableRows(var,csv)


This command instructs Nexial to save all data of the current table into var for offline (and often, faster) data processing. All the captured data will be treated as text; no data type conversion or formatting will be performed.

Note that this command will work only after the useTable(name) has been invoked.

Optionally, one can set the last parameter csv to true to obtain the same data set as a CSV structure. Note that this CSV structure will include column header as well. Often converting grid data to CSV is preferred as one would be able to utilize the various CSV-related facilities within Nexial for additional automation. For example:

  1. Determine the number of rows where “DatePicker” equals to “02/25/2021”:
  2. Sort the column “Progress” and assert that “15%” is the lowest of such value:
  3. Transpose the grid data so that its rows and columns are interchanged:

As of v3.7, this command supports also “HierTable” (as a “table”). One may use this command for both the traditional “data grid” component as well as the hierachical/collapsible “TreeView” grid.


  • var - this parameter will store the table row value into variable
  • csv - true if data should be converted into CSV structure


See above

See Also