Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


external » terminate(programName)


This command instructs Nexial to terminate (possibly abruptly) the specified program via its executable file name (programName). One can use this command to simulate a hazardous condition by abruptly terminating a running program. Similarly one can use this command to stop running program(s) as a way of “initializing” test automation.

Note that Nexial adheres to the security and permission of the current run-user - the userid that is running the Nexial Automation. So it is conceivable that some program termination will not work, should the current run-user be without the necessary authority.

Also, any program termination will not trigger any further action to Nexial and any processes (programs) initiated by Nexial. For example, Nexial will automate the opening of a browser as part of its Web automation capability. But it is unaware when the same browser is terminated via this command. The consequence will likely be highly undesirable. Similarly, one may use the runProgramNoWait(programPathAndParams) command to run Notepad.exe. The same Notepad.exe can be terminated via this command, but Nexial will not have any knowledge of it.


  • programName - the program name (executable file name) of the program to be terminated. File extension and directory is not required.

See Also