Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


io » searchAndReplace(file,config,saveAs)


This command performs search-and-replace routine on the content of file via the name/value pairs found in config. The name will be the search string, and value the replacement string. The search-and-replace routine is performed upon the entire file content. When the said routine is complete, the resulting content will be saved to a file as specified via saveAs. It is possible that saveAs may be the same as file, which will in turn saved the modified content back to the same file.


  • Each name/value pairs will be scanned for data variable substitution (i.e. ${...}) before performing the search-and-replace routine. In order to circumvent the ${...} substitution - e.g. perhaps one desires to search for ${data} with data - one can escape the ${...} syntax. For example, use \$\{data\} instead.
  • The standard Properties File Format uses either = or : as separator between corresponding name/value pair. However, Nexial will only consider the first = or : as separator, with any additional = or : as part of value.
  • Escape = with \= and : with \: to avoid the wrong = or : being parsed as separator.


  • file - the full path of the file upon which the search-and replace routine will be performed.
  • config - the full path of properties file (name/value pair) to use for the search-and-replace routine.
  • saveAs - the full path of the file to save the resulting content.



This is the configuration for the search-and-replace routine.


Output File : Output.txt
The words search and replace in Input.txt are replaced by find and modify respectively. output

See Also