Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


io » waitForFile(file,minFileSize,waitMs,maxWaitMs)


Instruct Nexial to wait for the specified file to “stabilize”, which means that:

  • such file is readable,
  • such file has at least the file size greater or equal to minFileSize,
  • such file has a file size and last-modified timestamp that remains unchanged between waitMs millisecond,

Nexial will continuously change for the above-mentioned conditions until maxWaitMs time is reached. After maxWaitMs time, if the specified file still does not satisfy all the conditions, then Nexial will consider this command as FAIL.


  • file - the file to inspect for stabilization
  • minFileSize - the minimum file size the specified file should have
  • waitMs - the number of milliseconds to wait before checking for file stabilization
  • maxWaitMs - the maximum amount of time to wait before this command is deemed as “UNSTABLE”


See Also