Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!




This command automates the operation of sending a message on the target JMS destination.  config is used to reference the settings detailed in Connection Configuration, and  messageId is the unique message ID (aka JMSMessageID) for the intended message.  The payload is the content of the message to send, which can be TEXTor MAP.  It can represent a more complex message structure such as JSON or XML.


  1. All JMS connections are configured for AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE to simplify automation.
  2. Only TEXT or MAP message types are currently supported.
  3. All messages are sent as NON_PERSISTENT.  This means that if the target JMS server should go down or restart after the message is sent, such message will be wiped out and not be available after the same JMS server is back online.


  • config - the configuration specified for the target message destination
  • messageId - an unique ID for the intended message.  In most cases, using the  $(random|integer) built-in command or timestamp should suffice.
  • payload - the message content to sent.
