Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


mobile » Android Setup


Nexial comes with a few batch files to simplify the initial environment set up for mobile testing. In the case of Android mobile testing, the following software must be installed:

  • Android SDK
  • One or more Android system images
  • One or more Android emulators

The android-setup batch file is created to simplify these installations. This batch file can be found under $NEXIAL_HOME\bin\mobile\android-setup.cmd (Windows) or $NEXIAL_HOME/bin/mobile/ (MacOS). Using this batch file, the above-mentioned software will be installed in predefined directory structure to expedite mobile testing with Nexial.


  1. Open command console or terminal.
  2. Navigate to the bin/mobile directory under $NEXIAL_HOME.
  3. Executing this batch file without any option would render a basic help screen indicating the missing parameters.
  4. Run android-setup.cmd (Windows) or ./ by specifying your target project.

    System Example
    Windows android-setup.cmd -t C:\projects\MyProject
    MacOS ./ -t ~/projects/MyProject

    Optionally -v for log verbosity, like this:

      android-setup.cmd -v -t C:\projects\MyProject

Below shows the various stages of the installation process.

Stage 1 - Confirming installation override

The android-setup batch file will install Android SDK and all related files under <HOME>/.nexial/android/sdk, the Android emulators will be installed under <HOME>/.android/avd.

If you had previously installed Android SDK, you will be asked to confirm if you want to override existing installation.

Stage 2 - Installing Android SDK CommandLine Tool

The android-setup batch file will download the commandline tool from the Internet and install it locally.

Stage 3 - Installing pre-accepted license agreements

As part of Android SDK installation, you will be asked to accept a series of license agreements. In order to expedite the installation process and to support “silent installation”, the android-setup batch file will “pre-accept” these license agreements on your behalf.

Stage 4 - Installing pre-packaged Android emulator skins

Nexial is prepackaged with a set of “skins” for a more realistic look and feel on the Android emulators. From time to time, we will update these “skins” with additional ones.

Stage 5 - Installing required Android SDK components

Next, the required Android SDK components are downloaded and installed locally.

Stage 6 - Installing Android SDK system images

In order to run an Android emulator, at least 1 system image must be installed locally. Copy the name of one of the listed system images…

… paste it to the end of the prompt, and press <ENTER>:

Repeat this process for as many system images you wish to install. Enter QUIT to end this stage.

Stage 7 - Setting up apksigner

Stage 8 - Installing Android emulator

Copy one of the listed emulator IDs…

… paste it to the end of the prompt, and press <ENTER>. Then, specify one of the installed system images for this emulator:

Repeat this stage to install more emulators. When done, enter QUIT to end this stage.

Setting environment variables

By default, Nexial assumes that Android SDK is installed under <HOME>/.nexial/android/sdk. If you have installed the Android SDK in a different location, please set up the following environment variables:

ANDROID_HOME=<the location of Android SDK>
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=<the location of Android SDK>

Running Emulator

Based on the installation process (Stage 8, above), you may have 1 or more batch files (or shell scripts) created under the artifact/bin directory under your project. Each of these batch files are prefixed with run-android-emulator-. Simply double-click on one of these batch files, or run it from the console, will start the emulator. Note that the initial launch of an emulator might take a little longer.

Example (on Windows):

cd /d C:\projects\MyProject
cd artifact\bin

Example (on MacOS):

cd ~/projects/MyProject
cd artifact/bin

Updating Android SDK

From time to time, the Android SDK is updated by the Google Android development team. As a result, your Android SDK might become outdated after some time. If you see a similar message on your console after launching an emulator:

… then, it’s time to update your Android SDK.

On Window:

cd %NEXIAL_HOME%\bin\mobile

On Linux/MacOS:

cd $NEXIAL_HOME/bin/mobile

This script will update the installed Android SDK, which will in turn update the OS image file for your emulators. Be sure that all emulators are terminated before running the update-android-sdk script.