Nexial Automation

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pdf » assertTextArray(pdf,textArray,ordered)


This command asserts the content in pdf contains each of the text element in textArray. Use ordered to assert if the order of textArray must be followed.

Note that this DOES NOT mean that the text element specified in textArray must be strictly adjacent to each other in the pdf content. In other words, it is permissible to other text between the elements specified in textArray. Furthermore, if ordered is false, the order to each element of textArray is to be found need NOT be strictly enforced in pdf content.


  • pdf - the PDF file to validate
  • textArray - the expected list of text
  • ordered - true if the order of textArray must be present in pdf in the same order


If the ordered parameter in the command is set as true, expected and actual are asserted for the same order. If set as false, it will ignore the order.

