Nexial Automation

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pdf » combine(path,fileFilter,saveTo)


This command instructs Nexial to find a list of PDF files in path that matches the specified fileFilter, and then combine these PDF files into a single PDF file named as saveTo.

Th filterFilter parameter can be expressed in one or more of the following:

  1. The exact file name such as MyDocument.txt
  2. The conventional wildcard file pattern such as *.log or a*.json
  3. file name (use name match ....)
  4. file size in bytes (use size > ... or size < ...).
  5. file’s last modified date (use lastmod > ... or lastmod < ...). This matches the last modified date/time of a file as timestamp (i.e. epoch).

Additionally, fileFilter may be expressed as Nexial Filter to create a multi-criteria filter on name, size and/or lastMod. For example,

name end with saveMatches4.json & size = 0 & lastMod >= 1547394418

…means “match on files where - the file name ends with saveMatches4.json, - has no byte (i.e. empty file) and - was last modified since January 13, 2019 3:46:58 PM”

Note: In order to distinguish between “exact match” and “filter match”, please observe the following rules:

The “filter match” is expected to contain space(s) between the keywords (like name, size, and lastMod) and the corresponding criteria.

For example, name = saveMatches4.json will return the file with name saveMatches4.json. But name=saveMatches4.json will return the file with name name=saveMatches4.json

The saveTo parameter should be a fully qualified location of the combined PDF file.


  • path - the location to scan for PDF files
  • fileFilter - the filter to apply on path when searching for candidate PDF files.
  • saveTo - the location to save the combined PDF file.


See Also