Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


web » assertElementCount(locator,count)


This command is to assert the count of element as per defined locator. This command will find element count through locator and match with expected count specified via count and pass or fail accordingly. The expected count can be specified as Number or Nexial Filters. Specify filter on count parameter in following way.

Count Filter

This command supports filters to assert count parameter in special way. count filter can be expressed as Nexial Filter to create single criteria filter on element count.
But in this special case, Nexial user don’t need to provide [subject] for Nexial Filter. Nexial will automatically pick actual element count as [subject] for Nexial Filter during evaluation itself.
For example, if count parameter is given as = 4, then it will be evaluated as ${actualCount} = 4 during Nexial execution.

count parameterdescription
= ${expectedCount}Is actual element count equals to expected count?
>= 5Is actual element count greater than or equals to 5?
in [2|3|5|9]Is actual element count one of the items in the list 2, 3, 5, 9?
between [2|9]Is actual element count between 2 and 9?

Note- Multiple criteria filter is currently restricted to use in this assertion.


  • locator - this parameter is to find the locator of the element.
  • count - this parameter is the expected element count which can specified as number or Nexial filter.


  1. Parameter count specified as number


  2. Parameter count specified as Nexial Filter


See Also