Nexial Automation

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web » saveAttributeList(var,locator,attrName)


This command captures the attribute value of the matching elements and save them as a list to var. The attribute name is denoted as attrName. The target elements is specified through locator.

Suppose the following HTML:

<div class="data" data-value="Jim">...</div>
<div class="data" data-value="John">...</div>
<div class="data" data-value="James">...</div>
<div class="data" data-value="Joe">...</div>
<div class="data" data-value="Jumbotron">...</div>

With the following command:
web | saveAttributeList(var,locator,attrName) | myVar | css=#myDiv | data-value

Now the data variable myVar would contain the value Jim,John,James,Joe,Jumbotron.


  • var - the data variable name to store the attribute values found for the matching elements.
  • locator - locator of the target elements.
  • attrName - attribute name of the element.


See Also