Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


ws » header(name,value)


This command is used to add, modify or remove HTTP header before making an HTTP request, include REST, GraphQL or Web Service request.

This command is useful when an HTTP request requires additional header information to be set prior to invocation. Let’s suppose the following REST API example to add a new employee to the company database:

category specification
Method POST
Required HTTP headers Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer ...
Request Body {"name": "John Doe", "age": 30, ...}
Response {"result": { "messages: [...], "employee": { "id": 12345, ...} } }

In order that a request to this API can be accepted, 2 HTTP headers must be set:

  • Content-Type
  • Authorization

With this command, we can set these required 2 headers, following a ws » post(url,body,var) command to invoke the REST API. Lastly using various JSON commands we can verify the response payload.

The above example uses a BDD-like construct (Given-When-Then) for the description column further provide readability to the test script. Note that this is not required for Nexial, but may provide some benefits to some.

The last few commands are included to illustrate how one can use Nexial to verify the response payload. The actual response assertion may differ based on the requirement of the target API.

A few noteworthy points:

  • The header(s) only need to be set once prior to API invocations. All subsequent API invocations will have inherit the same HTTP headers previously set.
  • An HTTP header can be altered simply by invoking this command again with the same header name and a different value.
  • To remove an HTTP header, invoke this command with either (null) or (empty) as the value.
  • To remove multiple HTTP headers, one may choose to use clearHeaders(headers) command instead.

For more information about HTTP Headers:


  • name - the name of the header to set
  • value - the corresponding value of the specified header name


See Also