Nexial Automation

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ws » oauthProfile(var,profile)


This command is another version of oauth(var,url,auth) but with support of profile and, some defaults based on the major OAuth providers such as Google, Microsoft, Okta, Gitlab and Twitter. It can also support other unknown OAuth provider in most cases.


  • var - the name of the variable to which the OAuth response will be stored. Nexial user can in turn retrieve specific values from this variable in the respective Nexial script.
  • profile - the profile name with which OAuth inputs are defined in the data variables that share the same prefix

The OAuth providers are identified by the <profile>.type (case-sensitive). Please refer the screenshots of profile data variable for different OAuth providers.


Below is an example how to use this command for microsoft as OAuth provider.

The profile data variables will be something like this


  • The default url for microsoft is{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token and so it requires <your_profile>.tenant_id in the profile data variable.
  • The default grant_type is password

If all inputs are valid, the successful OAuth response will look something like this

Refer this link for more information on Microsoft OAuth

Microsoft (Using refresh_token)

There may be some use-cases where one might not be able to use the above option for Microsoft as OAuth provider. So this command has another option built-in to support Microsoft OAuth with refresh_token. In refresh_token based approach, you don’t have to provide the credentials of your Microsoft account instead it just needs a valid refresh token.

To generate the refresh token, follow the below steps:

  1. Make a cURL request as shown here
    curl --request POST \
    --data "client_id=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>& offline_access openid profile email" \

    You will get a response in JSON format like below:

     "user_code": "ABCD1234X",
     "device_code": "AABBCCDDEE--sadjkTHuiykjnuityytjkliolibvghuLYoio---z9aVQ7V5IvU7O_ksjjuiYtionIOUhiudzkl-5TdsyS4ujAA",
     "verification_uri": "",
     "expires_in": 900,
     "interval": 5,
     "message": "To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code ABCD1234X to authenticate."
  2. Open the URL in your browser and type/paste the user_code received in above cURL response. Then click on Next & follow the instructions shown on the browser until you see the below screen

  3. You need to copy the device_code value, we’re going to need it in next (and the last) cURL request.
    curl --request POST \
    --data "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code \
          &client_id=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>" \

    The response will contain a refresh_token like below:

         "token_type": "Bearer",
         "scope": "email openid profile User.Read",
         "expires_in": 3599,
         "ext_expires_in": 3599,
         "access_token": <ACCESS_TOKEN_IN_JWT_FORMAT>,
         "refresh_token": "0.AwFTXpJw659XEeyic2zSy3hj9LOc2jc51NpgG3dOj18shWAJE.AgABAAAAAAD--...(huge_string)",
         "id_token": <ID_TOKEN_IN_JWT_FORMAT>

    Copy refresh_token from this response and pass it in the profile data variable <profile>.refresh_token in the data sheet. To know more about Microsoft OAuth, access token & refresh tokens, see this information

Below is an example script that uses this option.

The profile data variables will be something like this


  • The default url for microsoft is{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token and so it requires <your_profile>.tenant_id in the profile data variable.
  • The default grant_type is refresh_token

If all inputs are valid, the successful OAuth response will look something like this

Refer this link for more information on Microsoft OAuth


Google OAuth implementation is a bit restricted as compared to other providers. Hence, there are some additional steps you need to perform before you could use the oauth for google.

Since Google OAuth API requires using grant_type as refresh_token, you need to generate one refresh_token first and then set it in profile data variables along with client_id & client_secret as shown in below image.

To generate the refresh_token, you may follow these steps:

  1. Go to<scope>&access_type=offline&response_type=code&client_id=<your_client_id>&redirect_uri=http://localhost
  2. Authorize the access from your Google account.
  3. If you have mentioned the redirect_uri as localhot in above URL, you will be redirected to that URI in your browser with code parameter as query param in the redirected URI of the browser window.
  4. Copy the value of code and use it to make below POST call using any of your favourite tools like Postman, Curl, Insomnia etc.
      curl --request POST \
                  &client_id=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID> \
                  &client_secret=<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET> \
                  &grant_type=authorization_code" \
  5. The response of the above HTTP call will be a json body containing refresh_token.
  6. Copy that refresh_token value and set it into profile data variable as shown in below image. That’s it.

The profile data variables will be something like this


  • The default url for google is
  • The default grant_type is refresh_token

If all inputs are valid, the successful OAuth response will look something like this


Below is an example how to use this command for okta as OAuth provider.

The profile data variables will be something like this


  • The default url for okta is https://{tenant_id} and so it requires <your_profile>.tenant_id in the profile data variable.
  • The default grant_type is password

If all inputs are valid, the successful OAuth response will look something like this

Refer this link for more information on Okta OAuth


Below is an example how to use this command for gitlab as OAuth provider.

The profile data variables will be something like this


  • The default url for gitlab is
  • The default grant_type is password

If all inputs are valid, the successful OAuth response will look something like this

Refer this link for more information on Gitlab OAuth


Below is an example how to use this command for twitter as OAuth provider.

The profile data variables will be something like this


  • The default url for twitter is
  • The default grant_type is client_credentials

If all inputs are valid, the successful OAuth response will look something like this

Refer this link for more information on Twitter OAuth


Below is an example how to use this command for any other OAuth provider.

The profile data variables will be something like this

Here, <your_profile>.type MUST BE custom (case-sensitive).

The custom type does not assume any defaults. All the data provided in the profile data variable will be passed to the respective OAuth provider on <your_profile>.url (using http POST method).

If all inputs are valid, the successful OAuth response will look something like this

See Also