Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


Installing Localstack

Need for Localstack

There are many cases where AWS services are not exposed to any other environment except Production. In such cases it becomes difficult for the user to write/test/verify their automation scripts in local. Another use case could be the one where AWS services are not used at all initially but need some proof-of-concept that requires a working AWS services like SQS messaging.

Loclastack can be used to mock the AWS S3 and SQS service in local.

Install & Run Server


Create a file in an empty directory named docker-compose.yml and copy the below content into that and save.

  version: '2.1'
      container_name: "${LOCALSTACK_DOCKER_NAME-localstack_main}"
      image: localstack/localstack
        - "4566-4599:4566-4599"
        - "${PORT_WEB_UI-8080}:${PORT_WEB_UI-8080}"
        - SERVICES=${SERVICES- }
        - DEBUG=${DEBUG- }
        - DATA_DIR=${DATA_DIR- }
        - PORT_WEB_UI=${PORT_WEB_UI- }
        - DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock
        - "${TMPDIR:-/tmp/localstack}:/tmp/localstack"
        - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
Navigate to the directory where `docker-compose.yml` is present and Run localstack using the command `docker-compose up`

- On linux machine, you may require to use with `sudo`. 
- Change the volumes directory path in `docker-compose.yml as per your local directory path. 
- To find default ports used for AWS service in `localstack` you can see the console output of `docker-compose up`

Install Using pip

To install localstack using python’s pip installer, use following:

pip install localstack

Note: - Don not run this command as root or sudo user. To know more on this, refer their official documentation.

install awslocal

To manage localstack there is no UI or dashboard present. So we need either AWS CLI or awslocal CLI. AWS CLI will require one additional parameter --endpoint-url always while connecting to localstack. awslocal is a thin wrapper over aws cli and it will connect to local services by default. So for the ease of use, we are going to show awslocal example here.

To install use pip install awscli-local

After install, you need to configure aws profile. To do this create a directory .aws in your user home directory. Inside this directory create two files config and credentials.

Write following text into credentials file:

  aws_access_key_id = <any-random-access-key>
  aws_secret_access_key = <any-random-secret-key>

Write following text into config file:

  [profile default]
  region = us-east-1

To run any aws command using standard aws cli you have to use like following example:

  aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4576 sqs create-queue --queue-name my_queue_name

But with awslocal, you can do this way:

  awslocal sqs create-queue --queue-name my_queue_name

Note: If you are comfortable with aws cli by passing one extra argument --endpoint-url every time then you can skip this step.

Access key and Secret Key

localstack does not provide any authentication mechanism and thus it also does not validate any credentials passed during execution. However, aws cli or awslocal may require the credentials to be present in your config file. You can provide any random value in above ~/.aws/credential file.

Using Nexial with localstack

The purpose of this document is to help the user to work in AWS like local environment. In Nexial, there is nothing specific to localstack or to any other AWS alternatives. However some settings does require to alter the default behaviour of nexial.

By default, AWS SQS related features in nexial tries to connect on * with your configurations. But since you are running AWS locally, you may now need to connect to your local url.

As of today, nexial have dependency of AWS SQS for aws.sqs commands. To mention the local endpoint you have to use <profile>.aws.url=http://localhost:4576 in addition to aws.sqs connection setup

For complete details and documentation on localstack you may refer to their official documentation