Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


base » outputToCloud(resource)


This command instruct Nexial to move a file (resource) from output directory to the designated cloud location. Note that this command will only work if nexial.outputToCloud is set to true. The main impetus behind this command is to support all the custom generated execution artifact, such as log or HTML files generated as part of the automation, to be co-located with the rest of the execution output. By default, this is already the case since one could use technique such as $(syspath|out|fullpath) to designate the location of an execution artifact. However when nexial.outputToCloud is set to true, the Nexial-generated execution output will be stored in the cloud (S3). This leaves an awkward discrepancy where some of the output is stored in the cloud whilst some remain in local disk.

One would use this command to ensure that all output are stored in the cloud (and linked in the output XLSX file) when nexial.outputToCloud is set to true. If nexial.outputToCloud is set to false, this command will result in a SKIP to the corresponding step.

The resource can be fully qualified by using the $(syspath|out|fullpath) built-in function or it can be referenced in relative path to the output directory. Note that the target resource must be located in the output directory (or its sub-directory).


  • resource - the output resource to move to the cloud.


See Also