Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


image » convert(source,format,saveTo)


This command converts an image file from one format to another. The supported formats are:

  • png
  • bmp
  • jpg
  • gif

This command expects that source is a readable, valid image file, and that the target image location is denoted via saveTo. Note that the conversion DOES NOT depend on the extension of the target filename. Consider the following:

image convert(source,format,saveTo)  original.png  bmp  new_image.jpg 

Even though the target file ends with .jpg, this command should still carry out a “png-to-bmp” conversion.

Nexial supports image as URL (instead of fully qualified path). Nexial will automatically download image content and save it to temporary location (System/OS -specific). Use saveTo to determine the location of the processed file.


  • source - full path of the image file to convert. Consider using $(syspath)nexial.lastScreenshot, etc. to keep your script portable.
  • format - one of the supported format (the target format to convert to): png, bmp, jpg or gif
  • saveTo - the full path of the target (converted) image


See Also