Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!



A lot can be said about PDF data model. Ths is note the same as text extraction, which is just the extracting of textual content from a PDF document, but the extracting of information into a structured format. A simple form of data structure is the name-value pair, like:

first name=Johnny
middle initial=B.
last name=Good
hobby=Go places

The content of a PDF document is not necessarily laid out in a predictable and consistent manner. Extract such content into a well-formed structure can be challenging. There are situations where such extraction should not be performed at all, such as the case when the PDF document is a fictional story. This is one of the main reasons why different PDF-related commands are designed in Nexial.

For free-flowing textual content, one can use commands such as:

For more structured content, such as a form or a report, the following commands could be of help:

PDF Form Data Extraction

To extract data structure out of a PDF document, one would need to consider the appropriate extraction strategy to apply. Such strategy must also be appropriately scoped to a well-defined portion of the document, since any given PDF might contain multiple types of data structure or layout. In Nexial, we have defined a few commonly used extraction strategies. One may use one of these strategies as is, or creating a new strategy by basing it on an existing one.

This is the default regular expression for key extraction: ^([0-9A-Za-z\\/\ \.,"'\(\)\[\]\#\-]+):?\s*$

ALTERNATING_ROW default true alternate row true true The name and value are laid out in alternating row.
In the example (right),STREET ADDRESS would be
considered in a separate row than its corresponding
value 2200 West Empire Ave.,
ALTERNATING_CELL default true alternate cell true true The name and value are laid out in alternative cell.
In the example (right), Employee Gross is presented in
one cell, while its corresponding value $1,334,694.40
is in another.
SHARE_CELL default true same cell true true Both the name and value are stored in the same cell,
forming a contiguous string of text.
HEADER_ONLY default true after first row true true All the name of the target data structure are laid
out horizontally across the same line (like table
header), while the corresponding values are laid
out in subsequent lines (like CSV).
SHARE_CELL_THEN_ALT_CELL default true same cell, could be next cell true true This is a combination of SHARE_CELL and
first, and in need be the ALTERNATING_CELL strategy is
employed as backup.

If these built-in extraction strategies don’t quite fit the target PDF document, one can customize (more like enhance) the extraction strategy by setting up profile(s), using the data variables below.

PDF Form Parsing Strategy
Option Possible Data Default Value Description
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].basedOn ALTERNATING_ROW
  use one of the strategies as your starting point
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].keyThenValue true / false true should the form ‘key’ appear before the corresponding ‘value’?
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].keyPattern regular expression ^([0-9A-Za-z\\/\ \.,"'\(\)\[\]\#\-]+):?\s*$ the extraction pattern for form ‘key’
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].keyValueDelimiter text : the delimiter between form ‘key’ and ‘value’
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].trimKey true / false false should Nexial remove leading and ending spaces from extracted form ‘key’?
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].normalizeKey true / false true should Nexial remove duplicate whitespaces from extracted form ‘key’?
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].skipKeyWithoutDelim true / false false should the extracted form ‘key’ without ‘value’ be removed?
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].trimValue true / false false should Nexial remove leading and ending spaces from form ‘value’?
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].normalizeValue true / false true should Nexial remove duplicate whitespaces from extracted form ‘value’?
nexial.pdfFormStrategy.[NAME].valueAsOneLine true / false   should Nexial remove newline characters from extracted form ‘value’?

Available Commands