Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!




Automate the process of sending SMS to one or more mobile numbers. Note that a one-time setup is required in order to enable the cloud-based SMS messaging capability. This also means that while Nexial does not incur any cost to automate SMS messaging, the underlying cloud service can likely incur some costs to utilize the feature.

Future enhancement to this command group might include receiving SMS messages as well. Any comment or feature requests are most welcome!

One-time setup

Nexial uses AWS SNS as the underlying SMS service. Hence, the following one-time setup is required to enable the appropriate AWS configuration. Note that AWS SNS is not free, although for a very small amount of monthly use, it will unlikely to incur any costs. See the online SMS Pricing listing for more details.

The following information is REQUIRED to enable SMS messaging.

setting default explanation
nexial.sms.region us-east-1 (Optional) Specify the AWS region to use for the SMS (SNS) service.
nexial.sms.accessKey   [REQUIRED] Specify the AWS access key to use for the SMS (SNS) service.
nexial.sms.secretKey   [REQUIRED] Specify the AWS secret key to use for the SMS (SNS) service.

The above settings can be configured via Nexial Setup, via command line and via For example,

  • via command line:
    set JAVA_OPT=-Dnexial.sms.accessKey=... -Dnexial.sms.secretKey=...
    nexial.cmd -script ... ...
  • via

Zero-Touch Environment

Note that the SMS messaging feature will work in zero-touch environments like Jenkins.

Available Commands