Nexial Automation

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web » clickAll(locator)


Unlike click(locator) command, which automates the clicking of the first matching web element, this command automates the clicking of ALL web elements that matches the specified locator. Moreover this command will not consider a FAIL when no web element is found to match the specified locator. This command internally behaves the same (and shares the same code) as selectMultiOptions.

This command is designated for the web elements that do not trigger a change in current browser location when clicked, but instead some on-page JavaScript code such as marking certain elements as selected or unselected. This is particularly useful towards more modern JavaScript-driven Web UI frameworks such as React.js or AngularJS. Many of the modern JavaScript-driven Web frameworks render the conventional “dropdown options” as <DIV> elements. As such, one can automate the clicking of such elements via this command.

If the clicking on one of the matching element results in a change in current browser location, then subsequent attempt to click on other matching elements would likely cause a FAIL condition (since those elements will likely be unavailable after browser location changes). Also, if the locator does not resolve to any valid web element, this command will consider it as a FAIL.

Note that this command also honor the same System variable nexial.browser.forceJSClick as click(locator) does.

Sometimes, again depending on the target applications, it might not be advisable to perform screenshot capture after the click command. Some application might need time to “settled down” before further navigational or automation actions can be performed upon it. This is especially true when a click command results in the rendering of a new tab or new window. When possible, it is probably to perform screenshot capture after the click command – that means, mark the “screenshot” column with x.


  • locator - the locator of the element on which action need to be performed.


See Also