Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


web » close()


  • Close the active browser tab/window. This is usually the tab/window that was referenced in the preceding command.
  • If there is no more tab or window remain after the close operation, the browser instance will be terminated as well.
    Otherwise, the previously opened tab/window will become the active tab/window after the close operation.
  • In some instances, closing a tab/window would also trigger some “clean up” process internal to the target browser.
    This is especially true for browsers with add-ons/plugins, as some add-ons have their own “shut down” process when the attached browser tab/window is terminated. For this reason, we have created a specific Nexial system variable - nexial.browser.postCloseWaitMs - to provide some “quiescent time” after a tab/window is closed. This would allow the browser and affected add-ons to react to the closing of a tab/window. This default “quiescent time” of 3 seconds can be modified via specifying a desired value for nexial.browser.postCloseWaitMs in the corresponding data sheet.


  • NONE




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