Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


web » closeAll()


This command closes the current browser instance, effectively closing all open windows/tabs. Note that all browser related operations will likely result in error after this command is executed – except for open(url) or openAndWait(url,waitMs), which will in turn create new browser instance as a result.

Closing a browser instance DOES NOT necessarily terminate any running web sessions on the corresponding server application. Some cookies are created as persistent and will remain as is between browser sessions. Hence one should not rely on closing browser tab/window/instance as a guarantee to terminate or abandon web sessions. Check webcookie page for available commands regarding cookies.

For Electron Applications Only

For electron application, it is possible to forcefully terminating the application (AUT) when this command is invoked. Depending on the target application, it may be necessary to do so in order to ensure all previously in-use resources are released for future use. To forcefully terminate the target application, set the System variable nexial.browser.electron.forceTerminate to true (default is false)



See Also