Tutorials for Nexial

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Database Automation

Section 4: SELECT to validate

Here are some ideas and examples of what one can do with the execution metadata and resultset in terms of validation.

Example 1: Ran with failure?

After the query has been executed, we want to ensure that there isn’t any unforseen error raised by the target database server:
ran with failure

Another variation to this would be using flow control. For example:
ran with failure2

Example 2: Running late…

After the query has been executed, we can evaluate the time spent in execution as a form of validation such as “this SQL must return within 1 second”:
running late script

For immediate failure and termination of current execution, be sure to set nexial.failFast as true.

Example 3: Verify data “dimension”

We can also verify the “dimension” of the resultset - namely number of rows and number of columns. This would give us a quick (albeit inexact) way to ensure we are looking at the right thing. In addition, we can also inspect/validate the column names of the resultset as a list:
verify dimension

In this case, the expected columns (${expected columns}) would be CUSTOMER_COMPANY,CUSTOMER_NAME,CUSTOMER_EMAIL,REP_TITLE,REP_NAME,REP_EMAIL,Country

Example 4: Data, Row by Row

To validate data, we have a number of ways. First, it is important to note that while ${results}.data represents the entire resultset, the its textual rendering is in the form of “name=value” pairs, such as:
data output

Now let’s consider the following example:
validate data

The example above depicts technique to validate against the entire resultset, against a row and against specific cell.

against the entire resultset

To validate that the expected data is found in the resultset, we would assert the expected in the form of column_name=column_value. The second line in the script above reflects this strategy.

against 1 row

Similarly, to assert against a row of data, we would apply the same strategy. The third line in the script above shows the same.

against a specific cell

To validate against a specific cell - meaning a specific column in a specific row - we can use the exact value of the expected against that specific cell via the ${...}.data[row_number].COLUMN_NAME. See the last line in the above script for example.

Example 5: Data Column-wise

We can also validate the resultset column-by-column. This means to extract the data of the same column into a list. Nexial provides the ${...}.cells[COLUMN_NAME] syntax to accomplish this:
validate columnwise

Line 2 shows the extraction of the data - as a comma-separated list - in the column Country. We can then validate this list against a known (expected) list. In addition, we can further manipulate this column-wise data list via Nexial Expression, such as distinct (to remove duplicate data) and ascending (to sort the list in ascending order) and descending (to sort the list in descending order).