Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


Execution Event Notification

Starting v1.2, Nexial has added event notification to aid in the awareness of critical execution events and to improve user experience with automation. Nexial provides the capability to notify the intended audience of significant events during the execution. It does so via multiple form of techniques.

Currently, these are the events that can be configured for notification:

Event Name System Variable Explanation
OnExecutionStart nexial.notifyOnExecutionStart Start of an Execution
OnExecutionComplete nexial.notifyOnExecutionComplete Completion of an Execution; the end of a Nexial run.
OnScriptStart nexial.notifyOnScriptStart Start of a Script; indicates the start of the first iteration of a script (note: by default all scripts have at least one iteration).
OnScriptComplete nexial.notifyOnScriptComplete Complete of a Script; indicates the completion of a script.
OnIterationStart nexial.notifyOnIterationStart Start of an Iteration; indicates the start of an iteration (note: by default all scripts have at least one iteration).
OnIterationComplete nexial.notifyOnIterationComplete Complete of an Iteration; indicates the completion of an iteration.
OnScenarioStart nexial.notifyOnScenarioStart Start of a Scenario.
OnScenarioComplete nexial.notifyOnScenarioComplete Completion of a Scenario.
OnError nexial.notifyOnError An failure occurred; indicates when an error occurred or when a step failed.
OnPause nexial.notifyOnPause Execution is Paused; indicates when an execution is paused, such as via the PauseBefore flow control.

Notifications can be send to one of the following channels by using one of these keyword as prefix:

  1. audio: one can use one of the included audio samples or specify your own.
  2. tts: Text-to-Speech; create your own notification message and let Nexial speak it on your behalf.
  3. sms: send a preconfigured message to one or more mobile numbers, separated by nexial.textDelim. Phone numbers and text configuration are separated by a pipe (|) character. The text configuration has 2 forms:

    (a) A set of pipe-delimited configurations:

    name value description
    text text or file (REQUIRED) text to send. This may be templatized via external file.
    footer yes or no (OPTIONAL) yes means adding an email footer to include execution metadata in the form of “{NEXIAL VERSION}/{USER}@{HOST}”. Default is no.

    For example: sms:1213-555-8000,1(374)123-4567|footer=yes|text=hello world!

    (b) Just text message to send. Such text will not contain any footer. For example:
    For example: sms:1213-555-8000,1(374)123-4567|hello world!

  4. email: send a preconfigured message to one or more email addresses, separated by nexial.textDelim. Email addresses and message configuration are separated by a pipe (|) character. The message configuration are expected in the form of name=value pairs separated by pipe (|). Here are the possible configurations:

    name value description
    from email address (OPTIONAL) customize sender email address. Default is
    cc email addresses (OPTIONAL) Add to CC recipient list, separated by nexial.textDelim.
    bcc email addresses (OPTIONAL) Add to BCC recipient list, separated by nexial.textDelim.
    subject email subject (OPTIONAL) customize mail subject. Default is [nexial-notification] {EVENT NAME}.
    body text or file (REQUIRED) mail body to send. This may be templatized via external file.
    html yes or no (OPTIONAL) yes means send email as HTML. Default is no.
    footer yes or no (OPTIONAL) yes means adding an email footer to include execution metadata in the form of “{NEXIAL VERSION}/{USER}@{HOST}”. Default is no.

    Since only body is required, the following can be considered as the minimum setup to enable email notification:

    nexial.notifyOn... ||body=This is to inform you that...

    Here’s an example of a more complete setup:

    Note: For backward compatibility, Nexial still supports the older format of email:[recipient1,...]|Email content.

  5. console: pause the console with a preconfigured message.

It may be of help to consider using the $(execution) built-in function, which can expose execution-time automation metadata such as script, scenario, iteration, activity and step information.

Conditional Notification

Notifications can also be further controlled via Nexial Filter. In this way, the notifications can be suppressed until the specific conditions (i.e. filters) are met. Notification conditions are represented via a set of System variables corresponding to each event:

Notification Event Notification Condition
nexial.notifyOnExecutionStart nexial.notifyOnExecutionStartIf
nexial.notifyOnExecutionComplete nexial.notifyOnExecutionCompleteIf
nexial.notifyOnScriptStart nexial.notifyOnScriptStartIf
nexial.notifyOnScriptComplete nexial.notifyOnScriptCompleteIf
nexial.notifyOnIterationStart nexial.notifyOnIterationStartIf
nexial.notifyOnIterationComplete nexial.notifyOnIterationCompleteIf
nexial.notifyOnScenarioStart nexial.notifyOnScenarioStartIf
nexial.notifyOnScenarioComplete nexial.notifyOnScenarioCompleteIf
nexial.notifyOnError nexial.notifyOnErrorIf
nexial.notifyOnPause nexial.notifyOnPauseIf

Example 1

The above data sheet indicates that the “OnIterationComplete” event notification, which is configured as an email notification, will be triggered only at the completion of the 2nd iteration.

The notification is enabled via the nexial.notifyOnIterationComplete System variable, and the “triggered only at the completion of the 2nd iteration” is specified via nexial.notifyOnIterationCompleteIf.

Note: See nexial.scope.currentIteration for more details about this System variable.

Example 2

This example shows how one can delay the speech announcement until the 6th occurrence of failure.

Note: See nexial.executionFailCount for more details about this System variable.

More Examples

One can mix-and-match the desired event with one of the available notification channels via System variables. For examples:

Notify By Example Explanation
Audio Row 8 Play the predefined “chime3” sound at the start of an execution.
Audio Row 9 Play the “MySound.mp3” file in the data directory when the current execution is complete.
Text-to-Speech Row 10 Speak On __ hour, __ minutes and __ seconds, an error was found on [step position].
Check execution built-in function for more details about $(execution).
SMS Row 11 When a script completes, send a text message to 1(213)456-7890 informing the same.
Check sms commands for more details about SMS automation.
Email Row 12 When current execution is paused (such as via PauseAfter() flow control), email of the same, along of current date/time
Email Row 12 When a scenario starts to execution, email and with a message “Scenario _ of __ has started.
Console Row 13 When a scenario is done, pause the execution with a message on the console:
“Waiting for Your Command, Master…”

Here are a couple of examples of the email send out via Nexial’s event notification feature:

Check Mail Settings for details on setting up SMTP connectivity.

Note that it does not make sense to create a “console” notification on a “pause” event. Nexial will inform you of such scenario via console log:

Additional Notes

  1. Audio, TTS and console notification will be disabled in zero-touch environment (CI/CD, Jenkins, e.g.).
  2. TTS, sms and email notification requires additional setup for proper connectivity.
  3. Check out $(execution) built-in function to retrieve execution-time automation metadata.