Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


nexial-core 1.9 (2019-02-04)

Release 1.9




  • open execution output doesn’t create new command console.
  • code fix to ensure nexial.scenarioRef data variables do not taint subsequent scenarios.
  • code fix to ensure execution metadata is generated when nexial.outputToCloud is set to true. This is needed to update Execution Dashboard.
  • code fix JUnit XML generation for edge case where reference data is defined with no value.
  • code fix for logic error when reading during Nexial execution startup.
  • code fix to ensure in-place data variable updates (i.e. changes to data variable via script, such as using base » save(var,value)) also updates System properties, if such data variable was initially defined as a System property.
  • fixes to execution output (HTML) to omit empty reference data.


  • generates JUnit-compatible XML at the end of execution. This file is ALWAYS named as junit.xml and placed in the output directory.
  • console output now includes additional information useful for CI/CD.
  • execution output (HTML) now includes links to script, data and output files.
  • generated JUnit XML now contains additional execution metadata regarding script, data, and iteration.

System Variables:

  • nexial.web.dragFrom: NEW determine where the “drag” action on a web element should start from.
  • nexial.desktop.table.clickBeforeEdit: NEW determine if editing a row of a table/grid component of a desktop application would require an initial click. Default is true, which means Nexial will always click on the row prior to editing. Applicable to desktop automation only.
  • nexial.json.treatJsonAsIs: NEW System variable to control how Json fragments extracted via JsonPath should be treated. If set to false, then the double quotes around text data will be removed (note: Json standards require text data to be wrapped in double quotes). This may simplify automation by eliminating the need to remove double quotes. The default is to leave the Json fragment as is (i.e. double quotes stay).

Nexial Expression

aws.s3 commands

  • copyFrom(var,profile,remote,local): allow copy of S3 resource to a local file with a different name. Note that this file must exist prior to this command being invoked.

desktop commands

external commands

  • code fix to support the invocation of external program/batch that contains spaces in either file name or directory name.
  • runProgramNoWait(): NEW command to execute external program without waiting for it to terminate. Basically, fire-and-forget on external program.

excel commands

  • automatically create missing Excel files when using any of the write*() commands.
  • allow the reading of an empty cell range follow by other Excel operations such as transpose().
  • clear(file,worksheet,range): now clearing a non-existent file or worksheet would not throw any error.

json command

web commands

  • dragTo(fromLocator,xOffset,yOffset): NEW automates the “drag” action on a web element.
  • fixed issue when running different browser between iterations or scripts (within plan).
  • code fix to recover from current active window being no longer available.
  • code fix to update execution result in CBT before clearing out execution-bound reference data.
  • clickOffset(locator,x,y): NEW command to click on a target web element by its offset.

xml commands