Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


nexial-core 1.4 (2018-08-07)

Release 1.4



  • Upgraded to Kotlin 1.2.51
  • Issue #7: Script reference information such as Data File, DataSheet(s), runtime args and JAVA_OPT is included in output file #summary sheet. Visit Understanding Project Structure to see a sample output file.
  • Support for data variable expansion in “description” columns of test scripts. It is now possible to specify data variable using the ${...} form in both the “description” column in the script header (Cell A2) and the “description” columns in test steps (Row B). Nexial will expand these ${...} into actual value during output generation. Visit Understanding Project Structure to see a sample output file.
  • Better error message when not using the minimum version of Java with Nexial. The minimum version of Java required is 1.8.0_151.
  • Prevent deleting of local log files when “output to cloud” is enabled.

Flow Control

  • TimeTrackStart(label) and TimeTrackEnd(): NEW flow control to mark start/end time of any arbitrary group of steps. Via this new flow control, it is possible for one to mark the start and stop time between 2 test steps. The timing information is logged separately as pipe-delimiter text file in the log/nexial-timetrack.log under the output directory. For more details, visit Time Tracking page for more details and customization options.

Execution Dashboard

  • Fixed code to promote buildnum in the Execution Summary section of the execution output.

Event Notification

  • NEW event handling to mark the elapsed time of a well-defined events:
    • nexial.timetrack.trackExecution: log start/end and elapsed time of an execution. Set this to true to enable.
    • nexial.timetrack.trackScript: log start/end and elapsed time of a script. Set this to true to enable.
    • nexial.timetrack.trackIteration: log start/end and elapsed time of an iteration. Set this to true to enable.
    • nexial.timetrack.trackScenario: log start/end and elapsed time of a scenario. Set this to true to enable.
    • For more details, visit Time Tracking page for more details and customization options.

Nexial Expression

TEXT expression

  • removeRegex(regex): NEW operation to remove character(s) that matches user-supplied regex.
  • retain(keep): NEW operation to retain only the character(s) that in the user-supplied keep.
  • retainRegex(regex): NEW operation to retain only the character(s) that matches user-supplied regex.

JSON expression

  • addOrReplace(jsonpath,input): NEW operation to supports adding or replacing elements in existing JSON document/array.

CSV expression

  • For fetch(conditions), filter(conditions) and removeRows(conditions): the in condition will now consider an empty string as match to an empty filter. The not in condition will not consider an non-empty string as match to an empty filter (as in “ this string is not part of empty filter”).
  • retainColumns(columnNamesOrIndices): NEW operation to retain only the specified columns (by name or by position, separated by commas) in a CSV. Think of this operation as the opposite of removeColumns(namesOrIndices).
  • replaceColumnRegex(searchFor,replaceWith,columnNameOrIndex): NEW operation where the specified column (by name or by position), search for searchFor regular expression will be performed and all matches be replaced with replaceWith. Regex group supported.
  • distinct: NEW to remove all duplicate rows from CSV.
  • parse: new option added (trim) to retain leading/trailing whitespaces from parsed value. By default, trimming is in effect.
  • Code fix to honor pipe character (|) as delimiter

csv commands

number commands

json command

web commands

  • Support for Microsoft Edge browser for Windows 10.
  • Automatic webdriver download/update now available:
    • Nexial no longer ships with any webdriver. Instead now it automatically downloads the webdriver according to what’s specified in ${nexial.browser} and that which is appropriate for the operation system (that executes Nexial).
    • Refer to WebDriver Support for more details.
  • Supports tag-based locator using tag= prefix.
  • Browser-specific support on “switch-window” capability. Currently Edge does not support “switch-window”.
  • firefox is set as default browser ONLY when a web command is invoked. This fixed some confusion regarding browser initialization in the context of iteration and plan.
  • assertTextMatches(text,minMatch,scrollTo) - NEW command to assert the minimum number of occurrence of text in current web page, and optionally scroll to the specified instance.
  • Fixed error when automating scrolling on an element that might not support scrolling (e.g. window, document, html)
  • Fixed missing byte array to string conversion in web » savePageAs(var,sessionIdName,url)