Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


nexial-core 3.1 (2020-07-06)

Release 3.1




  • fixed email notification template when execution terminates too abruptly.
  • fixed SES-based email notification; possible SSL cert conflict with DocumentDB automation.
  • nexial.cmd needs to handle spaces in the directory name.
  • ensure Nexial doesn’t write too much data into a output excel cell (should be less than 32k).
  • fixed issue of skipping the section command which has nested section.


  • Execution output will now show user response & comments provided in step and step.inTime commands.
  • Support for accessing response and comments within script execution using System variables nexial.step.response and nexial.step.comment respectively.
  • Support for chrome/firefox web driver auto update when browser updated to lower version (i.e. not latest).
  • If a section has inner section then inner steps will no longer needed to be counted towards the outer section step count. This will make one’s script authoring easier to maintain.
  • Support for AWS SQS and S3 alternative such as LocalStack and MinIO.
  • Standard log files will now automatically rollover at midnight.
  • Additional Jenkins-specific information added to email notification, making it more useful.
  • Make the timestamp on log files be more consistent. The unified format is now yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSS.

Batch Files

System Variable

  • new variable nexial.step.comment added.
  • nexial.trackErrors: NEW System variable to enable the explicit tracking of step failures into a designated log file (logs/nexial-execution-errors.log).
  • nexial.lastError: NEW System variable store the last FAIL message.

Nexial Filter

  • is readable-file: NEW filter to check for valid, readable file.
  • is not readable-file: NEW filter to check for non-existent file.
  • is readable-path: NEW filter to check for valid, readable path.
  • is not readable-path: NEW filter to check for invalid or unreadable path.
  • is empty-path: NEW filter to check for empty path (without files or sub-directories).
  • is not empty-path: NEW filter to check for non-empty path (some either files or sub-directories).

[Built-In Function]

base commands

localdb commands

rdbms commands

  • supports EXEC and CALL SQL keywords.
  • improve console logs to aid in troubleshooting.
  • assertResultMatch(var,columns,search) - NEW command to verify that a query result contains certain data. search parameter can be prefixed with REGEX: for regular expression check, CONTAIN: for substring check, or “as is” for equality check.
  • assertResultNotMatch(var,columns,search) - NEW command to verify that a query result DOES NOT contains certain data. search parameter can be prefixed with REGEX: for regular expression check, CONTAIN: for substring check, or “as is” for equality check.


web commands


  • code fix to improve handling of stale web elements or window.