Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


nexial-core 1.8 (2019-01-04)

Release 1.8




  • rename some System variables so that their name are prefixed with nexial. to avoid conflicts.
  • ensure that macro/section expansion won’t inadvertently merge passed the “ignored” section.
  • update code on macro handling logic; no longer cache macro steps in support of Nexial Interactive. Performance impact should be minimal.
  • fixed GMail mail support due to namespace conflict in mail configuration.
  • propagate data variable changes between iterations.
  • fix on reading Excel cells that contain value other than STRING.
  • reduce undesirable runtime errors.
  • better handling of invalid or malformed test scenarios.


  • improved support for XML/HTML during data variable substitution.
  • minor stylistic updates to artifact templates.
  • minor improvement on expanding the column width of #data worksheet during output generation.
  • update execution output on “SKIPPED” test steps (description is now italicized).
  • sort #data worksheet on the execution output to favor System variables over user-defined variables.
  • improve the fatal error reporting in execution output.
  • add [nexial] prefix to mail subject in mail notification.
  • major improvement in memory footprint by applying aggressive memory conservation after each iteration and script execution.
  • speed up batch script executions (bin/*.sh) for Mac/*NIX.
  • improved output formatting for nexial-variable-update utility batch.


  • Step Disabling:
    • support skipping of command via “strikethrough”: Use Ctrl-5 on a “command” column to skip over the corresponding test step. This effectively add a SkipIf(true) flow control to the corresponding “flow controls” column. Use Ctrl-5 again to enable the corresponding test step.
    • supported on test script, macro and test plan.
    • overwriting instead of appending SkipIf(true) to any existing flow control.
  • bin/nexial-project.cmd|sh:
    • automatically create .meta/ under the target project directory to identify each project. This manifest file can be useful (in the future) for tracking and comparison purpose.
    • create additional script/data files into existing project directory, without overwriting existing artifacts.
  • HTML Output:
    • NEW HTML execution output aimed to consolidate all execution summary within 1 HtML page. Should be most helpful for plan-driven execution or iteration-laden execution.
    • automatically opens execution output HTML when nexial.openResult is set to true.

System Variables:

  • nexial.lastOutputLink: NEW System variable to capture the location of the last output file (only generated via certain commands).
  • nexial.scope.refetchDataFile: NEW System variable to preserve data variable changes between iteration.
    • if data file is to be re-fetched, then Nexial now correctly fetch the correct data file.
  • nexial.executionCount: NEW System variable to indicate the number of steps executed in real-time.
  • nexial.executionSkipCount: NEW System variable to indicate the number of steps skipped in current execution in real-time.
  • nexial.executionPassCount: NEW System variable to indicate the number of steps passed in current execution in real-time.
  • nexial.executionFailCount: NEW System variable to indicate the number of steps failed in current execution in real-time.
  • os.hostname: NEW System variable to expose the host name of current test harness.

Event Notification

Nexial Expression

  • nexial.expression.OpenFileAsIs: NEW System variable to instruct Nexial on omitting data variable substitution during the opening of external file during the evaluation of a Nexial expression.

Nexial Interactive

  • now supports reloading of (option: 9)
  • improved support for iteration. Data is re-calibrated when iteration changed during a Nexial Interactive session.
  • improved support for script/data file (re)loading. When a script or data file is (re)loaded, the activity assignment is re-calibrated as well to account for possible step or activity changes.
  • improved support for assigning activities: use * to assign all available activities from the assigned scenario.
  • improved support for assigning steps: use * to assign all available steps from the assigned scenario.
  • improved support for assigning activities: use activity indices (digits) instead of activity names. Note: Use A to reset back to all activities.

Nexial Filter

  • new unary filter to simplify boolean filter conditions.

Built-in Function

  • $(execution|meta|user): NEW function to reveal execution-time user
  • $(syspath): now supports plan as well.

aws.s3 commands

  • support AWS Assume Role” during credential challenge. Now it is possible to include the switching of a AWS IAM role as part of your automation. This feature is available for all integrated AWS services, which is thus far S3 and SES. For more information, read the Granting a User Permissions to Switch Roles. commands

  • support AWS Assume Role” during credential challenge. Now it is possible to include the switching of a AWS IAM role as part of your automation. This feature is available for all integrated AWS services, which is thus far S3 and SES. For more information, read the Granting a User Permissions to Switch Roles.

base commands

excel commands

image commands

  • compare(baseline,actual): increase the thickness of the highlighting border to improve readability.
  • increase thread stack size to support comparison of larger images.

io commands

json command

  • fixed json array parsing logic when its textual representation contains whitespace.

web commands

  • improved CrossBrowserTesting support:
    • now with execution status reporting (at the end of execution).
    • now support automation on mobile devices (Android and iOS).
    • delay safari window resizing (same as on BrowserStack).
    • automatically download/update/execute CrossBrowserTesting local executable.
    • additional logging added.
    • no switching of window when automating against mobile devices.
    • code fixes to handle CrossBrowserTesting local download changes (URL changes).
    • configurable wait time (millisecond) after CrossBrowserTesting local has been initiated, to allow sufficient time to stabilize the executable.
    • configuration wait time can now be set to auto (default) for Nexial to determine most appropriate time to proceed with test automation.
    • support updating of execution status per browser use within same execution. It is now possible to configure via cbt.reportStatus when the execution status update should occur - iteration, script, execution.
    • execution status update now accompanied with description (in CBT, description is shown in “Notes and Tags” section).
  • improved BrowserStack support:
    • support updating of execution status per browser use within same execution. It is now possible to configure via nexial.browserstack.reportStatus when the execution status update should occur: iteration,script,execution.
  • support mobile device emulation when automating on chrome browser (locally).
  • shipped with Selenium v3.141.59. Significant changes include:
    • Restored remoteHost support
    • Implement WrapsElement by Select element wrapper (#6616)
    • Default the number of threads assigned to the server to 200, which is what it was in 3.13.0
  • code fix to prevent unnecessary loading of web driver.

xml commands