Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


nexial-core 3.2 (2020-08-05)

Release 3.2




  • Fix issue with Excel parsing where _x[NUMBER]_ is treated as UTF decoding and thus translated into UTF character. Code fix circumvented the UTF translation.
  • Fix code to read from multiple datasheets with respect to change of iteration configuration between data sheets.
  • minor adjustments to the data file in template/ directory to improve performance.


  • ErrorTracker: New feature to trap all step-wise errors into a separate log file so that we can streamline root cause analysis.
    • minor HTML-level changes to improve the display of ErrorTracker logs (in email notification).
  • Ensure Nexial (re)reads datasheets per plan step to ensure the latest information being parsed for execution. This enhancement supports the scenario where preceding plan step would modify data sheets for subsequent plan steps.
  • Added logic for opening report file in linux machine after execution.
  • Execution output generation:
    • line breaks in base » verbose(text) are now preserved
    • skipped steps are no longer evaluated for data variable, function or expression expansions. This will speed up execution and avoid unwanted side effects.

System Variable

  • nexial.screenshotInFull: New system variable to capture entire web page screen. Default value for this variable is false.
  • nexial.screenshotInFullTimeout: New system variable to provide time before scrolling down while capturing entire web page. Default value of this variable is 5000 milliseconds.

Nexial Interactive

  • Minor improvement on console output


  • WEB: Slight output improvement (shorter)

Built-In Function

base commands

io commands

localdb commands

  • Added code to handle the use of "reserved" words in column names.

pdf commands

rdbms commands

  • saveResult(db,sql,output): A query of zero row will no longer be considered as FAIL
  • saveResults(db,sqls,outputDir): Queries of zero row will no longer be considered as FAIL
  • Fixed error when handling the execution of stored procedures which might contain multiple results (result set and possibly update row count).
  • For executing stored procedure, both the {CALL ...(...)} and EXEC ... ... forms are supported now.

web commands