Nexial Automation

Test Automation Platform for everyone!


nexial-core 2.7 (2019-10-07)

Release 2.7




  • fixed code to support intra-execution changes of nexial.scriptRef.* data variables.
  • after importing desktop recording file to cloud (nexial.outputToCloud is set to true), Nexial will remove local video file to help keep local diskspace under control.
  • fixed code to support the creation and changes to System variables that are related to email notification during execution. Previous code only read in these System variables the start of an execution. The impacted System variables are namely nexial.mailHeader, nexial.mailFooter, nexial.mailSubject, nexial.mailTo, nexial.enableEmail.
  • fixed execution summary HTML template when custom header or footer is not found.


  • added checks to ensure that read-only variables aren’t overwritten via commands affect data variables
  • added plan description in email notification html for plan execution.

System Variable

Nexial Interactive

  • Inspection now supports SAVE(var) and CLEAR(vars) functionality.
  • support desktop recording from within Interactive session.
  • Inspection supports the clearing of all user data variables (CLEAR(*))
  • new option to reload script file, data file and (option L)

Built-in Functions

  • $(date|setDOW|date|day): added boundary checks to ensure meaningful day value. Only 0 through 7 is allowed for the day parameter.

Nexial Expression

base commands

csv commands

external commands

  • runProgram(programPathAndParams): support the execution of sub-shell with parameterized commands (*NIX and Mac only). The parameterized command should be wrapped with single quotes.
  • runProgramNoWait(programPathAndParams): support the execution of sub-shell with parameterized commands (*NIX and Mac only). The parameterized command should be wrapped with single quotes.

image commands

io commands

  • saveMatches(var,path,fileFilter,textFilter): WAS saveMatches(var,path,filePattern). This command has been enhanced to support content-level filtering (REGEX-based) so that in addition to filtering by file name, last modified date and file size, one can also filter files by its content (support all text file, PDF and XLSX). This command now also support recursively scanning.
  • assertPath(path): This command asserts that path exists and is readable by the run-user of the execution.

json commands

rdbms commands

  • runSQL(var,db,sql): remove any trailing semi-colon since many RDBMS vendor don’t support dangling semi-colon in query.

ws commands

web commands